DoP Moelven Konstruktionsplywood Allsilva
Decloration of Perfomance: Multiplex voor structurele toepassingen, Moelven
Hier vindt u de Dop’s = Declaration Of Performance van onze producten. Deze productbladen bevatten de meest bruikbare gegevens voor de toepassing.
Decloration of Perfomance: Multiplex voor structurele toepassingen, Moelven
Decloration of Perfomance: Birch Plywood Type FSF with the thickness < 9 mm
Decloration of Perfomance: Birch Plywood Type FSF with the thickness < 9 mm
Decloration of Perfomance: OSB/3
Prestatieverklaring: OSB/3
Decloration of Perfomance: OSB/3
Decloration of Perfomance: Treecraft film faced hardwood
Decloration of Perfomance: Birch Plywood Type FSF with the thickness < 9 mm